Saturday, July 14, 2012

Medicaid Alternative

The article State Medicaid Chief Weighs in on Health Reform introduces that Texas will not expand its Medicaid program, but the Supreme Court decided to uphold the Affordable Care Act. As a result, Texas' finances and health care system will be negatively affected. Billy Millwee, Medicaid chief, states that there will be an increase in those enrolling in Medicaid. This can be attributed because of the individual mandate, which requires that all citizens must purchase health insurance. His most interesting statement was that Medicaid " starting to enable poverty" because those that are eligible, but not enrolled are now being enrolled.

Millwee then suggests that the state receive block grants to expand the healthcare system. Under a block grant system, doctors would be paid better. Medicaid is too complex, which is why 31% of doctors accepted Medicaid patients. This article is worth reading because it investigates the negative aspects of Medicaid along with a alternative solution.  

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